Calibration is setting and adjusting the volumetric concrete delivery system to deliver the correct amount of concrete. According to Grand View Research, the concrete floor coating industry in the United States is worth $298.2 million. This growing demand means that there is a greater need for volumetric concrete delivery systems that can deliver the correct amount of concrete.

How Does Volumetric Concrete Delivery Work?

Volumetric concrete delivery is a system that uses volumetric measurement to deliver concrete. This means that the concrete is measured by volume rather than weight. The benefits of this system are that it is more accurate than weight-based systems, and it eliminates the need for batching plants.

Why Is Calibration So Important?

Calibration is essential because it ensures that the volumetric concrete delivery system delivers the correct amount of concrete. This is essential for a strong, durable finished product. If the calibration is not correct, the concrete will not be properly proportioned, leading to a weaker finished product. In addition, if the calibration is not correct, the volumetric concrete delivery system will not be able to deliver the correct amount of concrete. This can lead to waste and inefficiency.

What Are the Steps for Calibrating a Volumetric Concrete Delivery System?

There are two steps in the calibration process: setting the water-cement ratio and setting the delivery rate.

The first step is to set the water-cement ratio. This is the ratio of water to cement in the concrete mix. The water-cement ratio is important because it affects the strength and durability of the finished concrete product. A higher water-cement ratio will produce weaker concrete, while a lower water-cement ratio will produce stronger concrete.

The second step is to set the delivery rate. The delivery rate is when the volumetric concrete delivery system delivers the concrete. The delivery rate is essential because it affects the amount of time the concrete has to set and cure. A higher delivery rate will result in a shorter set time, while a lower delivery rate will result in a longer set time. These steps are important to produce a strong, durable finished concrete product.

What Are the Benefits of Calibration?

Calibration provides many benefits, including:

  • Ensuring that the volumetric concrete delivery system delivers the correct amount of concrete.
  • Ensuring that the concrete is properly proportioned.
  • Eliminating waste and inefficiency.
  • Improving the quality of the finished concrete product.

From the above, it is clear that calibration is a vital part of the volumetric concrete delivery process. If you are using a volumetric concrete delivery system, it is important to ensure that it is properly calibrated. Please contact our experts today to learn more about volumetric concrete delivery and calibration.